This master bedroom was such fun. My client Melissa Kreager actually bid on my "time" at a fundraiser and wanted help transforming her oddly shaped (to say the least) bedroom. We needed a whole new look, something light, airy and soothing was the name of this game. Out went the oversized, heavy and dark bed and mismatched things and in went, what Melissa calls, her new boutique hotel room !
Where did it all start ? The bed idea. A platform fully upholstered spanning the entire wall. Turned out perfect, love. The bed needed a good back drop and even with all these crazy angles Melissa loved the idea of an ombre wall paper, in this soothing color palette. Coming in individual panels, it was a bit tricky but our fab installer did such a great job.
Take a look at the finished product !
Over the low headboard, two new wall sconces and below, two smaller side tables/chests.
It was at the last minute I decided on these gorgeous Windy O'Connor pillows - works of art in and of themselves.
Melissa loved these chandeliers, so we added two ! I wanted to keep things light, so chose white, slip covered chairs and a glass coffee table.

A few more Windy O'Connor pillows
Lighter still, the new dressers in a pale grey
I love to art shop and really wanted a full reveal in this space. I found the perfect piece at Isabella's here in Charlotte. A piece by Lauren Bolshakov (stay tuned for a little artist spotlight coming up). Her colors and organic softness were perfect !
Another piece of art I knew I wanted in this space was a piece by Kristen Bleakney She is doing the prettiest new series and just had to have one.
Again I pulled in another light colored dresser
But the most beautiful element was the wall paper . . so soft and relaxing !
photos by Mekenzie Loli
Sweet Dreams !