Went on a little trip . . . San Francisco. My younger brother lives there, with his family and while I don't get out there as much as I would like, whenever I go it is always an eyeful of wonderful.
I entitled this "sfgirlbybay" for a reason . . . . Victoria Smith is a West Coast Blogger located in San Francisco. I have been following her for a while now and have been pretty inspired. Here she is.
and here's her love - Lucy. . . (love the name).
Now, maybe it's the blonde, the glasses, the "Lucy" connection . . funny, but no, her blog has inspired me. Beautifully presented, styled, and full of informative, time sucking material that occupied the 2 hour delay I had in Boston and on my weekly read . . She's an Instagram-er (more on that to come) and must say, yet another outlet I am getting into. . yikes. But her images inspired me to notice things a little differently on this trip, so I am taking you on my quick 3 day journey. . .
Day One . . . By way of Boston . . . (check out the best lobster roll an airport has to offer. . so good, Legal Seafood) I headed out, bound for SFO.
Once on the West Coast I found myself, roaming the streets more, noticing things I hadn't in the past - I pulled out my camera
My brother lives in Alameda . . just over the Bay Bridge. I love that town. Small, but chalked full of craftsman bungalows, Victorian and Spanish abodes . . . it's "small town" wonderful.
Love some of the craftsman detail at his place . . .
And check out the succulents, crazy pretty flowers, fruit trees and palms . . I am starting to forget deadlines, vendor delays and damaged goods while soaking in the sights.
On any given block, you will pass a large Victorian sitting next to a tiny Spanish adobe.
Day Two . . . . I headed into town. . . over the bridge to The Mission and Valencia Street in particular. The Mission District is hipster cool for those of you unfamiliar. All sorts of artists and musicians roaming freely - great architecture, food, shops. Take a gander.
The Women's Building.
I found a shop called Dema, and met the owner Dema Grim. Love her style. By hand, she creates most of her pieces right there, in the back room. We talked about a possible "pillow" venture.
Take a look at her blog or go visit !
1038 Valencia Street.
About a block away, I found Viracocha. Their black cat Asha, welcomes you. Owner Jonathan Siegel has filled his space with unique vintage finds, great music and local artists. The Daily San Franciscan puts it well "It's hard to find a store that respects the quality of craftsmanship and Viracocha has made that it's "entree" of choice."
Take a look at their site or go visit !
998 Valencia Street.
On the corner is Dog Eared Books, bookstore with that good musty "brainy" smell, reads you thought you'd never find, free box of oldies outside, quite, artsy.
Take a look at their site or go visit !
900 Valencia Street.
Next was Aldea Home. . . modern, chic, green.
890 Valencia
. . . just a great window at a small eye-glass shop in-between the coffee house and bookstore. . . Iris Apfel may frequent.
and then there was Paxton Gate, I was greeted at the door by a large, stuffed unicorn. Noticed immediately that taxidermy and garden was their thing - but in a really cool way. Loved the framed butterflies, and the word of the day for those with a "black thumb" Bromeliads... they had an entire wall.
824 Valencia Street.
So glad I found this. . . . been on my wish list.

Monument was a great find . . . their collection of mid century was impressive.
Can't make it to their shop . . . their site directs you to 1st Dibs, where those finds can be shipped easily.
573 Valencia Street.
Last stop. . Therapy . . old mixed with new, furniture, clothing, great accessories.
545 Valencia Street.
My walk down Valencia was awesome . . . shops, coffee houses, bookstores, eats . . take a look at a few of the details in the architecture, people, signage and oddities I came across . . .
Day Three . . . per the direction of Victoria Smith, I ventured out to the Alameda Flea Market. Located on the now abandon Naval Base Airplane runways . . . with gorgeous views of San Francisco, this flea was huge and pretty great. Nice way to spend a sunny Sunday morning . . .
Was all too short and brief . . .
The real reason for the trip - to meet my new nephew!