
That Time of Year Again !

Hi There !

I love this time of year.  Even with all the details of the holidays, the running around, the shopping, the school plays and the last minute rush jobs to get things done for my clients, I have the time to work on a few things I love without work distractions.  From December 24 to early January vendors are closed, subs are on well deserved vacations and people are home enjoying their family (and new spaces) and not thinking of that facelift they want to do to their family room (well maybe they are while sitting there over the holidays .. call me in January !!!)

One of my favorite year end holiday projects is creating our yearly photo album.  All those pictures I take during the year I have printed in an Apple book and give as gifts to my parents and Keith's. Nothing drives me crazier than being behind and disorganized when it comes to pictures .. gotta stay current.

The dogs are all in front of the fire, I'm listened to a movie of two and having the best time dropping, dragging and photoshopping.  Our books aren't just a featured trip or event, they are filled with all the crazy from the year - moments.  With my phone nearby, I pulled up my instagram pics to keep to a time line going and with the magic of my Apple and Photoshop, I even took a few that weren't on the Cloud, cleaned them up and dropped into i photo on the desk top.

The "project" part of i photo is so user friendly.  Drop and drag, add text, enlarge, even adjust the color, pretty easy when you get into it.  Holds up to 100 pages and while I love to fill the page with one large photo, to get everything in you can have up to 6 photos per page.  During the year I also start the text intro with funny things the kids have said or done, big news, funny news and even silly things I don't want to forget... like Oscar winners, popular songs,  fashion trends all for the year past.

So - New Year's resolution  . . . keep it current.. organize all those pictures floating in your Cloud into files and start a book, keep up with it and it won't be so daunting someday . . .